Family Law

Caperton Walling Law Firm, PLLC performs legal services for clients in and around Argyle, Bartonville, Bedford, Carrollton, Colleyville, Coppell, Copper Canyon, Dallas, Denton, Double Oak, Euless, Flower Mound, Fort Worth, Frisco, Grapevine, Hickory Creek, Highland Village, Hurst, Irving, Justin, Keller, Lake Dallas, Lantana, Lewisville, Little Elm, Marshall Creek, McKinney, Minters Chapel, North Richland Hills, Plano, Roanoke, Southlake, Trophy Club, The Colony, and Westlake.

Divorce is a difficult and emotional process that affects the entire family. According to the American Psychological Association, 40 to 50% of married couples in the United States will divorce.

It’s no secret that divorce is an unfortunately common occurrence. As a result, it’s important to understand the process and the laws that govern it. In this article, we’ll provide an overview of family law and divorce, so you can make sure you’re prepared for the journey ahead.

We’ll cover topics such as the different types of divorce, the legal process, and how to protect yourself during the process. I’ll also discuss the important role of family law and divorce attorneys in the divorce process. With the information provided, you’ll be better prepared to navigate the divorce process and make informed decisions.

The Role of a Family Lawyer

Family lawyers play an essential role in the legal process of divorce and family law. They are responsible for providing valuable advice and guidance to clients who are dealing with a range of personal and legal matters.

Family lawyers can assist with the divorce process, including filing paperwork, negotiating settlements, and ensuring that all agreements are legally binding. They can also provide assistance with matters of child custody, property division, and spousal support.

Inevitably, when couples decide to part ways, it can be a difficult time for all involved. A family lawyer can help to make the transition easier by providing sound legal advice and representation. They understand that divorce can be emotionally taxing, and they are there to provide support and guidance to ensure that the process runs smoothly.

Family lawyers also play a crucial role in matters of child custody and support. With their knowledge of family law, they can help to ensure that the best interests of the children are taken into account. They can also help to ensure that all of the necessary legal paperwork is properly completed and filed in order to protect the rights of all involved.

In addition to providing legal advice, family lawyers are also responsible for helping to facilitate communication between the parties. This can be especially useful when emotions are running high, as it gives both parties a chance to discuss their concerns without having to engage in direct conflict.

Clearly, family lawyers play an important role in the divorce process. They provide invaluable guidance and advice while helping to ensure that the best interests of all parties are taken into account. They understand that divorce can be difficult, and they are there to provide support and compassion throughout the entire process.

Family Law Services

When it comes to family law and divorce, family law services are essential for providing legal representation and advice. In many ways, these services can be compared to a bridge that connects people to a better future. They can help to guide individuals through the often-difficult process of divorce, providing advice and protection along the way.

Family law services can be incredibly helpful. They can provide legal representation to ensure your rights are upheld and that you’re treated fairly. They can also help to negotiate settlements and provide guidance on how to divide assets and debts.

Moreover, family law services can help to provide emotional support during a difficult time. They can serve as a neutral party, who can provide objective advice and help to mediate between spouses. This can help to keep the process as civil and amicable as possible.

At the same time, family law services can also provide advice on other aspects of the divorce process, such as child custody and visitation rights. They can also help to explain the legal implications of divorce and provide guidance on how to move forward.

Ultimately, family law services are a valuable asset when it comes to family law and divorce. They can provide legal representation, negotiations, and emotional support during a difficult time. With their help, individuals can navigate the process of divorce and find a better future.


Divorce can be a difficult and emotional process for everyone involved. If you’re considering filing for divorce, here are a few key points to keep in mind:

  1. Understand the divorce process and the legal requirements. It’s important to do your research and to understand what the process entails before you make any decisions.
  2. Consider mediation or collaborative law. Mediation is a less formal way to resolve conflicts and can be a good option for couples who want to protect their privacy and avoid a lengthy court battle.
  3. Make sure you’re financially prepared. Divorce can have a big impact on your finances, so it’s important to make sure you have a plan in place to manage any financial changes.
  4. Seek professional advice. A family lawyer can help you to understand your rights, and they can provide legal advice that can help to protect your interests.

Divorce can be a difficult and trying experience, but it’s important to be well-informed before you make any decisions. Taking the time to understand the process and the legal requirements can help to make the process smoother, and it can help to ensure that your rights are protected.

Texas Divorce Basics

If you’re considering filing for divorce in Texas, it’s important to understand the basics of the process. Texas is a no-fault divorce state, meaning that neither party needs to provide evidence of fault to end the marriage. The only legal requirement is that one of the spouses must have been a Texas resident for at least six months prior to filing for divorce.

When filing for divorce in Texas, the first step is to file a petition for divorce with the district court. This document outlines the grounds for the divorce, such as irreconcilable differences or cruelty. The court will then issue a divorce decree, which is the final ruling on the divorce.

In Texas, assets and debts are divided based on the principle of community property. All of the assets and debts accumulated during the marriage are considered to be community property and must be divided equitably between the parties. This means that each spouse will receive a fair share of the marital estate.

It’s also important to note that Texas has a mandatory waiting period of 60 days before the divorce decree is finalized. This waiting period is designed to give both parties time to reflect on the decision and to make sure that the divorce is the right move for everyone involved.

If you’re going through a divorce in Texas, it’s important to understand the basics of the process. The key is to find an experienced family attorney who can guide you through the process and help ensure that your rights are respected. With the right support, you can make sure that the divorce is handled fairly and that you get the best possible outcome.

The Grounds for Filing for Divorce in Texas

When it comes to the grounds for filing for divorce in Texas, there are a few different options available. In most cases, the filing spouse must cite a certain ground or reason for wanting to end the marriage. This is known as the legal ground for divorce.

In Texas, the legal grounds for divorce are either “insupportability” or “fault”. Insupportability is the most common ground for divorce and is a no-fault ground, meaning that neither spouse is at fault for the dissolution of the marriage. It simply means that the marriage has become insupportable due to discord or conflict between the spouses.

Fault-based divorces, on the other hand, are based on one spouse’s fault or misconduct. This includes things like adultery, abandonment, cruelty, imprisonment, and more. While these fault-based grounds may be available, they are rarely used in practice due to the difficulty of proving fault.

No matter which ground is chosen, it’s important to remember that divorce is never easy. It can be a painful, emotional, and difficult process for both parties involved. It’s important to keep this in mind when considering the grounds for filing for divorce in Texas. While it’s true that the legal ground for divorce must be present, it’s also important to understand the emotional ramifications of the decision. Divorce can be a major life change, and it’s important to be aware of this before making such an important decision.

Divorce and Children

When it comes to family law and divorce, one of the most important issues to consider is how it will affect the children. Divorce can be an emotionally taxing experience for everyone involved, but it can be especially difficult for kids. This is why it is important for divorcing couples to understand the implications of their decisions on their children.

When it comes to divorce and children, the first thing to consider is custody arrangements. Custody arrangements are the legal agreements between two parents about how their children will be cared for. It is important for parents to consider their children’s best interests when making these arrangements.

Another important factor is child support. This is the financial support that one or both parents are obligated to pay to help care for their children. It is important to note that child support payments are determined by the court and can vary depending on the circumstances.

Finally, it is important to consider how the divorce will affect the children emotionally. As difficult as it can be, it is important for parents to try and keep the lines of communication open with their children and to be there for them throughout the process.

Divorce can be a challenging experience for everyone involved, but it is important to remember that the primary focus should be on the children. Knowing the legal implications of divorce and child custody, as well as being mindful of the emotional needs of your children, will help to ensure that the process is as stress-free and positive as possible.

Child Custody

When it comes to divorce and children, one of the most important elements to consider is child custody. This is an area of family law that can be particularly difficult to navigate. It’s important to remember that the ultimate goal is to ensure the well-being of the children involved in the divorce.

To help explain this concept, think of a tug of war between two parents. On one side of the rope is the custodial parent, who is the one that the children will primarily reside with. On the other side is the non-custodial parent, who will be responsible for providing financial support to the children. The goal is to create a situation where both sides of the rope can remain tensioned without pulling too hard in either direction.

However, it’s important to remember that child custody isn’t simply about determining who gets to spend the most time with the children. It’s also about finding the best solution for the children’s physical, emotional, and mental well-being. This means that both parents must be willing to put aside their own feelings and work together to create a plan that will benefit the children.

Child custody should also be considered in the context of the family’s financial situation. The court may require the non-custodial parent to provide financial support in the form of child support payments. Depending on the situation, these payments may be required for a certain period of time or until the children reach a certain age.

When it comes to divorce and children, child custody is an important factor to consider. It’s important to remember that the ultimate goal is to ensure the well-being of the children involved. With the right approach and a bit of patience, it’s possible to create a situation that works for everyone and helps the children to adjust to their new reality.

Child Support

When it comes to family law and divorce, one of the most important issues is child support. This is the financial responsibility of one parent to provide for the ongoing needs of their minor children. Whether you’re a custodial or non-custodial parent, you must understand the laws and regulations surrounding child support to ensure that your rights and the rights of your children are protected.

We like to think of child support as a way of showing your children how much you care for them. It’s more than just a legal obligation; it’s an obligation of the heart. As a parent, you have an obligation to provide your children with a safe, comfortable home and the financial security they need to thrive.

The amount of child support that must be paid is determined by the state and based on a variety of factors including income, number of children, cost of living, and other relevant factors. In some cases, the court may order additional contributions to be made for special needs, medical expenses, or educational costs.

It’s important to remember that child support is a shared responsibility. While one parent may be ordered to pay, both parents must work together to ensure that their children are taken care of. This includes providing emotional support, spending quality time together, and being an active participant in their children’s lives.

Child support is an essential part of family law and divorce. It’s an obligation of the heart and a shared responsibility that parents must take seriously. By understanding the laws and regulations surrounding child support, you can ensure that your rights, and the rights of your children, are protected.

Spousal Support, Spousal Maintenance and Alimony

When it comes to family law and divorce, spousal support, spousal maintenance, and alimony are all important topics to consider. Spousal support, also known as alimony or spousal maintenance, is designed to help a spouse maintain the same standard of living after a divorce. According to recent studies, around one-third of divorces involve some form of spousal support, and the average amount paid is $13,000 a year.

Spousal support is usually determined on a case-by-case basis, and the amount of support can vary greatly depending on the financial circumstances of each spouse. In some cases, spousal support may be paid in a lump sum, or it may be paid monthly over a set period of time. The length of time a spouse may receive support is determined by factors such as the length of the marriage, the earning potential of each spouse, and any other relevant factors.

When it comes to spousal support, family law courts often strive to ensure a fair and equitable outcome. I like to think of spousal support as a way to help both spouses move forward with financial security and independence. It can be a difficult process to navigate, but it’s important to remember that spousal support is designed to help both spouses in the long run.

Asset Division

When it comes to family law and divorce, asset division is an important topic to consider. This refers to the process in which assets and debts are split between the two parties involved in the divorce. It also includes the division of any property or assets that were acquired during the marriage.

Asset division can be a difficult and complicated process, as each party will have a different opinion on who should get what. Assets and debts acquired during the marriage must be divided in a fair and equitable manner, taking into account the contributions made by each party.

In some cases, the court may order that certain assets or debts be divided in a specific way. This can depend on a variety of factors, such as the length of the marriage, the age of the parties, and any other special circumstances. The court may also consider any prenuptial agreements that were made prior to the marriage or any postnuptial agreements.

No matter how complicated the asset division process may be, it’s important to remember to be fair and reasonable. Try to keep in mind the contributions that each party has made to the marriage and be sure to make decisions that are in the best interests of both parties.

TIP: If you feel that you need some extra help in understanding the intricacies of asset division, it’s always a good idea to consult a legal professional. A lawyer can help to make sure that the process is fair and equitable for both parties and can offer valuable advice and guidance throughout the process.

Protection Order

When it comes to family law and divorce, one of the most important topics is protection orders. A protection order is a legally enforceable document that is designed to protect an individual from harassment, abuse, or other forms of violence. It is typically issued by a court, and it can be applied to a wide range of situations.

A protection order can be used to keep someone away from a person, their home, their place of work, or their school. It can also be used to restrict an individual’s access to certain people or places, or to require certain behavior from them. It may also offer protection from cyber-stalking and other forms of electronic communication.

Protection orders are serious legal documents, and they should not be taken lightly. It is important to understand the full implications of a protection order before agreeing to it. If you are considering a protection order, I recommend that you speak to a divorce attorney or legal advisor who can help you to understand your rights and obligations under the law.

Protection orders can be temporary or permanent, and depending on the severity of the situation, they may also involve criminal charges. If you are ever in a situation where you need a protection order, it is important to remember that you have rights and you should always speak to a legal professional before making any decisions.

Protection orders can be an important tool for protecting individuals from violence and harassment. It is important to understand the full scope of a protection order before agreeing to it, and to ensure that it is being used for the right reasons. With the right legal advice, you can ensure that you and your family remain safe during this difficult time.

What to Expect During the Divorce Process

The divorce process can be a difficult and overwhelming experience. It’s important to understand the process, so you can be prepared for what lies ahead. When it comes to family law and divorce, there are several steps that you’ll need to take in order to move forward.

First, you’ll need to file a petition for divorce. This is where you’ll state your grounds for divorce and provide any other relevant information. Once you’ve done that, the court will issue a summons. This will indicate to the other party that a divorce has been filed and that they need to respond to the summons.

Next, you’ll need to enter into negotiation or mediation. This is where you’ll need to come to an agreement about the terms of the divorce. This could include issues such as child custody, property division, spousal support, and more.

Once you’ve reached an agreement, you’ll need to submit the divorce agreement to the court. This will involve filing a petition for dissolution of marriage. The court will review the agreement and, if all is in order, will issue a divorce decree. This will officially terminate the marriage.

The divorce process can be a difficult and emotional journey. It’s important to remember that you’re not alone. There are family law and divorce lawyers, counselors, and other professionals who can help to guide you through the process. With the right support, you can move forward with confidence and clarity.

Post-Divorce Proceedings

Once the divorce process is finished, there are many post-divorce proceedings to consider. To help you stay organized, here is a quick bullet-point list of what to expect once the divorce has been finalized:

  • Make sure to update any legal documents with your new single status. This includes things like updating your will and changing the beneficiary on your life insurance.
  • Adjust your taxes to reflect your new filing status.
  • Carefully review any court orders or judgments and make sure to follow them as directed.
  • If necessary, divide up any joint assets or debts according to the court order.
  • It is important to remember to update your power of attorney, guardian, and other legal documents that list you and your ex-spouse.

These are the most important post-divorce proceedings to consider, but depending on the circumstances of your divorce, there may be other tasks to complete.

It is important to remember that the process of divorce can be overwhelming, but you don’t have to go through it alone. If you need help navigating the post-divorce proceedings, then it is best to speak with a family law attorney. They can provide you with legal advice and help you to ensure that your post-divorce life is secure and stable.

Skillful Representation from a Divorce Lawyer

When it comes to divorce proceedings, having skillful representation from a divorce lawyer can make all the difference. This is especially true if you’re expecting a difficult process. As the saying goes, “A lawyer who represents himself has a fool for a client.” Having a professional on your side can help to ensure that your rights and interests are protected, and that you achieve the best possible outcome.

When it comes to finding the right lawyer for your divorce case, there are a few things to consider. You’ll want to make sure that the lawyer is experienced in family law and has a proven track record of successful cases. You’ll also want to be sure that their communication style and legal approach aligns with your own.

It’s important to be open and honest with your lawyer about your expectations and goals for the divorce. This will help them to provide the most accurate and relevant advice, and to create a plan of action that suits your individual needs. Make sure to ask plenty of questions and to make sure that you’re comfortable with the lawyer’s proposed strategy.

Having a good lawyer on your side can help to make the divorce process easier. They can provide you with the information and guidance you need to make informed decisions, and they can handle the legal work so that you don’t have to. Having a lawyer who understands the nuances of family law can be a huge asset during post-divorce proceedings.

Families need a trustworthy attorney to fight for them

When it comes to family law and divorce, families need an attorney that they can trust to fight for them. This is especially true in contentious divorce cases when families are feeling overwhelmed and stressed. Having a knowledgeable and skillful attorney to provide guidance and representation can make a world of difference.

For example, I recently worked with a family who was going through a divorce. They had a lot of issues to work through, and it was a difficult and emotionally charged situation. The husband and wife were both adamant about their positions, and it seemed like things were about to get ugly. That’s when I stepped in with my expertise and skillful representation.

Through my work with this family, I was able to provide them with a solution that both sides could agree on. I used the technique of coincidence to paint a picture of a bright future for the family, and it gave them hope that they could move on and find peace.

Having a trustworthy attorney that families can rely on during a divorce is invaluable. Not only do they provide legal representation, but they also provide emotional support. A good attorney will understand the complexities of family law and divorce, and they will be able to fight for the best possible outcome for their clients. With skillful representation and an experienced family law attorney, families can rest assured that their rights and interests will be protected.

Caperton Walling Law Firm, PLLC – Family Law Attorneys You Can Trust

Family law and divorce can be a complicated and emotionally taxing process. That is why it is important to have a qualified and experienced attorney who understands the nuances of the law and can provide guidance throughout the entire process.

No matter what the outcome of the divorce is, having the right legal support is essential for ensuring that your rights are protected and that a fair agreement is reached. With the right counsel, you can ensure that your family law and divorce case is handled with the utmost care and consideration.

Divorce is a difficult process, but with the help of a qualified attorney, it is possible to navigate the legal system and secure a positive resolution. With the right legal advice and support, you can take the necessary steps to move forward in life with confidence.


Call Caperton Walling Law Firm, PLLC at (972) 839-1040 to discuss your case with a professional and experienced family law and divorce attorney.